Entries in Shopping (42)


Limelight Marketplace

So I am going to say it: I was disappointed in my first visit to the Limelight Marketplace in Chelsea.

It's strange because I was fully ready to dig this place. It has all the makings of the Amy-approved: it has smaller, more local-ish brands; the venue is a quirky old church-turned-nightclub-turned shopping space; there's cuteness everywhere; food is involved.

But one thing bothered me: polish.

It's a little slick. It has a slight (SLIGHT) corporate feel. The walls are a monotonous shade of white. And some of the shops (SOME) could easily be found in a kiosk at a mall.

It doesn't have that, say, interesting "rough-around-the-edges" feel that a place like the Brooklyn Flea has, especially when it's held at Sklylight One Hanson. It's also a tight, darker-than-it-should-be space that doesn't showcase its cool windows as much as it could.

I didn't feel as inspired as I hoped to. I think you can even see it in my photographs. I couldn't focus; couldn't find anything I wanted to capture except a few stained-glass nuggets and the chocolate at Maribelle (shocker).

The older I get, the more I find that I prefer the weird nooks and crannies; the authentic details; the evidence of personality. Polish is too safe. Imperfection is so much more interesting. And the Limelight felt too perfect.

But whatever. I am sure I'll be back. After all, it's a church chock full of chocolate. Limelight Marketplace, Sixth Avenue and 20th Street, NYC


5 Sites to Bookmark Immediately

1. Normann Copenhagen: When I finally get to Denmark, this awesome design store will be one of my first stops.

2. Peek Keep: Nice n' neat collection of Scandinavian home accessories.

3. elsa + sam: Sweet ceramics and dishware from a Portland, Oregon-based boutique.

4. OK: Way-more-than-okay tableware, art, jewelry, books, and more.

5. Minima: A big, bold, and edgy (plus lots of other positive adjectives) contemporary furniture collection.

Koo de Kir


One of my first-ever online home-design shop crushes was on Boston's Koo de Kir. The store has been open since 1997, and I THINK they've been online since 2004 or so (correct me if you know I'm wrong). Their retail store is nestled in Beacon Hill just off Charles Street, and it's very Boston to me--an interesting mix of modern and the

kind of "traditional" look I never get tired of.

Thanks to Barbara, Kristine, and team for letting my camera and me snoop around!


65 Chestnut Street | Boston, Massachusetts 02108 | 617.723.8111


Guest Curating at Felt & Wire

This just in from the Land of Awesome: I'm this week's guest curator at Felt & Wire!

The paper-goods shop got in touch with me a while back when I featured them in this post. (Honestly, I'm totally full-on in love with everything they offer. I even ended up choosing so many items for my "curatorship" that they're going to have to post Part Two at a later date.) (Whoops! Me go overboard? Why I never...).

I named my M-Dashing collection "Brooklyn Chic" because, well, that's what I'd hope my own boutique would be if I actually had one. (Dreams!) Hope you dig it. Now click on over there and tell the good folks at Felt & Wire that I sent ya.
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