Entries in Shopping (42)


6 Shops to Bookmark Immediately

1. RE: Unique finds, a few tasteful vintage pieces, and general adorableness from a shop based in Corbridge, England. You'll Love: Stripey Fabric Notebooks

2. Cube: Artisan foods + kitchenware + gifts + wine + tabletop items + sweets + I think my head is about to explode from the fabulosity. You'll Love: Virginia Piazza Nesting Bowls

3. Mothology: If you're sometimes as much of a sucker for summering-on-the-French-countryside-y-looking items as I am, this place is for you. You'll Love: Café Wine Glasses

4. Linda Ferrol Studio: Interesting mix of homegoods and cool design. You'll Love: Linen napkins/towels

5. Show Home-decor selections from a chic LA boutique that I am totally visiting next time I'm there. You'll Love: Cyclops Watch

6. twentytwentyone "Furniture, lighting, and accessories by inspirational 20th and 21st century designers." Totally warms my heart (thump, thump!). You'll Love: Imbroglio desk calendar (P.S. For those of you who loved the calendar I showed from Spartan and Bows + Arrows last week, this is it...)

Images linked to their sources within the numbered text


Designers Anonymous

Shut up with this cute shop.

Occupation Mugs (clockwise, left to right: The Artist, The Illustrator, The Secretary, The Thief)

The Burger King print

Colour Swatch greeting cards

Medusa print

The Occasion T-shirts collection

Description greeting cards

Images linked to their sources


Spartan and Bows + Arrows

Last week in Austin, I had a chance to check out some shops that have been on my list for a long time. First up was Spartan and its next-door neighbor, Bows + Arrows. The stores are connected by a open doorway inside, which is perfect since the shops are owned by two friends, Lauren and Currie (how fun is that?).

We got a chance to chat with Bows + Arrows owner Lauren, who told us a little about her shop, life in Austin, and about the blog she and Currie just launched at arrowandarrow.com. Get a load of the cuteness below, and if you like what you see, get a little more of the action with additional photos on my Flickr page.

(P.S. How Austin is that Willie Nelson pillow?)


Where to Buy: Paintings by Jennifer Sidel

After writing about art director Jennifer Sidel's apartment yesterday, I received a few inquiries about the paintings on her walls (aren't they amazing?). Well, they're Jenn's own handiwork--and the good news is that

many of her pieces (which have already been exhibited in a few shows) are for sale. Click here to check out more of her work online and see below for more detailed pics. [I am personally gunning for one of the more pink pieces...I have ALWAYS loved her work.] Prices start at $200. And be sure to tell her I sent you!