Entries in Shopping (42)


5 Design Stores You Must Visit in Copenhagen

During my trip to Copenhagen with my girlfriend Lin, I swear to you, every time we headed out the door, I had to prep myself for the overwhelming design-store coolness that would instantly appear on its cobblestone streets.

Here was a typical conversation I had with myself:

"Calm down, lady. You can do this. You do not have to buy everything you see. Just appreciate things and move on. Maybe take some photos, maybe not. Keep the credit card secure at all times. If you start to tear up because you are surrounded by such bonkers-awesome home design, just hold it back. No design crying in Denmark! You will look ridiculous! You will scare Lin! Keep it together, Feezor!"

In short, everything I've ever pinned on Pinterest ever, everything I've ever included in a roundup for Herman Miller or mom.me, basically came to life in Copenhagen. Here are the places that made me the most overly and inappropriately emotional.

1. Normann Copenhagen. Normann was the first store I just had to see when we got to the city--I feel like I've written and daydreamed about it more than any other place in Copenhagen. It's a bit out of the city center, so plan accordingly! Østerbrogade 70, 2100 Copenhagen

2. HAY. Oh heavens. Such clean and modern and beautiful design. HAY makes everything from pillows to notebooks to brooms yes brooms look better. (Their store, in the city center, is pictured above.) Østergade 61, 1100 Copenhagen

3. Illums Bolighus. Just the typing of this store name makes me catch my breath. (This is not a joke. I almost turned around and walked back out when I first witnessed it. IT IS TOO MUCH FOR ME. HERE IS WHERE I MAY CRY.) Everything you need is in this shop. Everything. If you only have 24 hours in Copenhagen, this is your design store. 10 Amagertorv, 1160 Copenhagen

4. Tiger. Tiger is apparently all over Europe, but I wanted to include it here because the Denmark store was cheery and well priced. It reminded me of a mini IKEA, sans furniture and with more food options. Rådhuspladsen 59, 3.tv, 1550 Copenhagen

5. Sogreni of Copenhagen. Sogreni isn't a design shop per se, but it is a design-y bicycle shop. The perfect Copenhagen souvenir is here: one of their pitch-perfect, super-chic bike bells. Get the brass version--the owner told me it has the clearest tone. Sankt Peders Streage 30A, 1453 Copenhagen

The Paris Plan - Achieved Today: Rule #10.


Hello, Zinc Home + Garden

I don't believe I'll ever stop loving shops like Zinc Home + Garden in cute-as-pie Lambertville, New Jersey. I think it's the combo of smart, museum-like collections of items (oftentimes grouped in bowls -- how I love things grouped in bowls!), the smell of antiques mixed with the new (a reminder of every home of every grandmother I ever had), and the fact that, if I am at a store like Zinc Home + Garden, it is probably a Sunday, I am probably with a friend, and we are probably amped up on tea and cookies (or hot chocolate and cake, take your pick).

Get more info on the store here.


5 Shops to Bookmark Immediately

You want the good stuff? Get all up in these joints.

1. Decurate

Well SOMEBODY had to take the name "decurate," and I am glad these folks did. Lots of eco-minded picks plus a few items I've not spied before. Got my eye on this one.

2. Artilleriet

Clean, cool finds from a clean, cool Swedish shop (because you know I love the challenge of digging around a good site when I can't read the language. My motto: If it's too hard to decipher, just go nuts pinning it all on Pinterest).

3. YES

Yup. Over at Herman Miller, I recently did a home office tour (awesome) with artist Andew Neyer, a chap who is part of YES, an independent, artist-run gallery, shop, and studio in Cincinnatti. Among others, Andrew's bold, playful work (also awesome) is available for purchase.

4. Story North

Trust me. You'll like it. Dig a little bit and you'll find a few heavy hitters in there...

5. Toast

Just nice and clean-cut and quiet. Like drinking a warm cup of tea while nibbling on, well, toast. I mean, with butter, at least.


Image sources: decurate.com, storynorth.com, artilleriet.se, yescincinnati.com


Daily Dash: Grey Tray by RK Design

 — Quiet and cool. —


Visit RK Design at bigcartel.com

Find more picks on Pinterest & Currently Obsessed.


Image source via featured link