Entries in Shopping (42)


The Real Simple Pop-Up Shop

For the next couple weeks, I'll be spending some time blogging for my good friend RealSimple.com. It's all in support of a pop-up shop we're having at Rockefeller Center beginning on December 1. We just launched the blog; but, please, do come over throughout the month to watch us grow (click here to see me in action).

And if you're going to be in the city at the time, stop by and say hello--we'll be open through December 6. Bonus: It's near the tree! You can shop afterwards at Saks! There's goodies and freebies and discounts! And Santa! And also me!

Hope to see you there, friends.

Happy Friday--and happy almost-holidays (can you BELIEVE we're already back here again??)


What's your favorite souvenir?

I attended a lovely dinner party over the weekend with some folks who I haven't seen since I'd been back from my trip to China. As you've no doubt experienced after vacay, several questions were asked about where I'd gone, what I did, what I saw, and where I posted my photos (here, in case you were wondering). My favorite question, however, was, "What did you buy?"

The answer is that I didn't buy much this time--the trip was expensive enough, and I didn't want to lug too many things around with me for two weeks. But I did score a few choice items closer to the end, though: an small antique teapot; a great shoulder bag; books from the Shanghai Museum; tea from the Yunnan province that's so very real that I have to wash the leaves twice before brewing it (hard core!).

When I travel, I usually like to buy two things: art and local foods that are hard for me to find back home. Above are some of my finds. Note that many of the containers (the olive oil, the wine, the box of tea) are empty--I just can't seem to throw them away (and I am really good at throwing things away, so this is a rare thing indeed). Here's the rundown:

  • Honey and herbs from a trip to Paris

  • The bag from China

  • The bad-ass tea from China

  • Olive oil from Greece (read about this stuff here--it's AMAZING)

  • Shells and stones from various beaches (Anguilla, North Carolina, Nice, Málaga, Cabo)

  • Pinot Noir from New Zealand

  • "Two Years in the Forbidden City" by Princess Der Ling (I'm obsessed with China's "Dragon Lady")

  • A tea strainer from Shanghai that I've turned into a tea-light holder

  • Tea from Ladurée in Paris

Er, so, really, just lots of tea.

What about you? What souvenir do you always buy when you're on vacation?


So sweet, they give me a toothache.

Outside of those gross chocolate-wannabes Tootsie Rolls, there are very few Halloween candies that I won't eat.

And though I know that it's the stuff like M&M's, Snickers bars, and Butterfingers that are traditionally a trick-or-treater's most coveted prizes, I always secretly hoped my bag would be overflowing with one thing only: old-timey candy corn.

Check out these finds inspired by the sweet tri-colored treat that makes me smile wider than a jack o'lantern.

Custom Trio Collection of Porcelain Bottles from SuiteOneStudio at Etsy / Table Wired Lamp from bouf / Lights Candle Holder from Gretel / Horizon Pouch from Eli-Phant /  ACL & Co. Motel Keychain from Another Shop / Cast Iron Dutch Oven from Terrain / Accent pillow from Yorktown Road / DLM Side Table from A+R / Golden Yellow Wood Bead Bib Necklace from whitenest at Etsy

Image sources linked within text


Currently Battling My Credit Card Company:

PubliqueSHOP: Just the right amount of weird-cool homegoods to keep me interested.

Welcome Home: Two words: "teacake cushions." Shut the door!

Yorktown Road: LOTS of linen items here. Which means I spend LOTS of time here.

Piano Nobile: Has a few random, out-of-the-blue finds, like this cotton pillow and this handmade scarf.

Billet: Remember that part in "Love Actually" where Colin Firth's character falls madly in love with his Italian housekeeper even though they both speak a different language? Yeah. That's me and this site.

Image sources (clockwise, L-R): Billet; Welcome Home; Piano Nobile; Yorktown Road


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