Back to business! Now that I've plowed through the ole vacay pics, let's get back to some of the things M-Dashing loves most: shopping for awesome home accessories. Hit these five finds up immediately:
1. Twentieth: Everything from mod furniture to art pieces. (I especially dig their glass and ceramic selection.)
2. Neëst: Adorable, simple picks from a Parisian shop that merges Swedish influence and Japanese design. Even their cleaning tools are sweet.
3. Heath Ceramics: Super-cool handcrafted dinnerware, tableware, kitchen goods, food storage, and more from a Sausalito/Los Angeles, CA-based company.
4. Zinc Details: My new go-to gift store. Yum!
5. David Mellor Design: Your kitchen will love you just a little more for discovering this British shop. Trust me, ole girl.