Entries in Shopping (42)


Cards by Give Studio

Hello back at you, Give Studio. YOU are cute.


I really don’t have time for this.

Are you Pinterest-ing? I apparently am. Except it's hard to admit it to myself or to anyone else.

Truth be told, I really can't take on another project right now--I have a Master's Degree in Stretching Myself Too Thin, and these days, my diploma is working its sweet manic magic. But "Pinning" things to a virtual "board" on Pinterest--heavens! Delight in its purest form!

I do so much product research for this blog and for my column over at Herman Miller that I am constantly coming across gotta-remember-this types of finds. So, after a recent discussion about Pinterest with my friend Leah (I am shifting some of the blame to you, lady!), I decided to give it a go. And now I am the proud owner of a newly started Pillow board and a Prints board. It's beautiful and it's wonderful and ICAN'TSTOP. ICAN'T. HELPME. PLEASE. Or, just follow me here.

(P.S. Here's a great promotion Pinterest did over the summer with sfgirlbybay.com.)

Brooklyn Chic: Part II

Hey, wow, look: I just got a note that the second round of my curated collection is up and going strong over at Felt & Wire Shop. Take a look-see and let me know what you think--dig any of them?

I am especially fond of the "loved loved loved" card by Blue Pool Road (love love love that Peggy Wong). And I also dig the "You are Fun" letterpress note by Give Studio. I think it's mostly because I feel like those are the kind of cards I'd probably write if I was a card-writer lady. (Which I am sometimes, but that's a whole other blog post, folks.) It's almost as if they pulled those lines right out of my busy little brain, I tells ya. Go get 'em!

5 Sites to Shop ASAP

Back to business! Now that I've plowed through the ole vacay pics, let's get back to some of the things M-Dashing loves most: shopping for awesome home accessories. Hit these five finds up immediately:

1. Twentieth: Everything from mod furniture to art pieces. (I especially dig their glass and ceramic selection.)

2. Neëst: Adorable, simple picks from a Parisian shop that merges Swedish influence and Japanese design. Even their cleaning tools are sweet.

3. Heath Ceramics: Super-cool handcrafted dinnerware, tableware, kitchen goods, food storage, and more from a Sausalito/Los Angeles, CA-based company.

4. Zinc Details: My new go-to gift store. Yum!

5. David Mellor Design: Your kitchen will love you just a little more for discovering this British shop. Trust me, ole girl.

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