Entries in Travel Finds (50)
Koo de Kir
One of my first-ever online home-design shop crushes was on Boston's Koo de Kir. The store has been open since 1997, and I THINK they've been online since 2004 or so (correct me if you know I'm wrong). Their retail store is nestled in Beacon Hill just off Charles Street, and it's very Boston to me--an interesting mix of modern and the
kind of "traditional" look I never get tired of.
Thanks to Barbara, Kristine, and team for letting my camera and me snoop around!
65 Chestnut Street | Boston, Massachusetts 02108 | 617.723.8111

Home Page
Just spent the last few days down in North Carolina with my family. It was a visit full of cake and movies and and laughs and baby talk (lots of lovely babies in my life right now!) and lounging around together in front of the TV and hugs and inside jokes and visits with relatives and best friends and more cake.
I am rounder and happier since I've been back. Nothing like family to remind you of who you are, no?
All Stuffed Up
My camera and I sometimes like taking pictures of stuff. Just stuff. Mostly of the "cute" variety. Here's some we're digging right now.
Emergency Card Kit, Design Army
Bracelets, SW Trading Accessory Plaza in Houston (holy crap--what a find! I get tons of compliments for not a ton of money...)
Rando vintage letter "F", Kuhl-Linscomb
New York Pencil Set, Paper Pastries