Entries in Travel Finds (50)
Walton's Fancy and Staple
More Austin love today! (Can you tell I have a crush?) This time I've got photos of our visit to Walton's Fancy and Staple. It's a lovely bakery/deli/cafe/florist/cute stuff kind of venue, and it also happens to be owned by Sandra Bullock--who I also happen to like even more now that I've seen what great taste she's got in baked goods/deli food/cafes/flowers/stuff.

(Psst. Check out extra pics on my Flickr page.)
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austin shops |
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Spartan and Bows + Arrows

Last week in Austin, I had a chance to check out some shops that have been on my list for a long time. First up was Spartan and its next-door neighbor, Bows + Arrows. The stores are connected by a open doorway inside, which is perfect since the shops are owned by two friends, Lauren and Currie (how fun is that?).
We got a chance to chat with Bows + Arrows owner Lauren, who told us a little about her shop, life in Austin, and about the blog she and Currie just launched at arrowandarrow.com. Get a load of the cuteness below, and if you like what you see, get a little more of the action with additional photos on my Flickr page.
(P.S. How Austin is that Willie Nelson pillow?)

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austin shops |
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So how was your week?

Mine was spent surrounded by tortilla chips on the table, long talks with best friends, laughter and acrobatics from my adopted niece and nephew, dessert, impromptu dance parties, homemade breakfasts, brainstorms, chocolate, window shopping, inside jokes, and more dessert. I've been in Texas all week (Houston, mostly, with a side trip to Austin) visiting Courtney, Dave and family--four of my favorite people on Earth.
We 4th of July-ed it up Texas-style, complete with a neighborhood parade, barbecue with Courtney and Dave's friends Elizabeth and Shane (several of these pics are of Elizabeth's homemade magic), and sparklers before a big fancy fireworks display in town.
It was a wonderfully memorable and totally relaxing trip. My heart is currently full of love, gratitude, and mucho queso. Thank you, my lovely friends...

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everything's bigger in texas |
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