Entries in Travel Finds (50)


Fresh Markets: Fun, Sometimes Freaky

One of my favorite parts of my trek through China was stumbling upon several different fresh markets. I just love it when my eyes (and sometimes, my stomach) get to discover all kinds of foods they'd never seen before.

(And I KNOW! That top pic is of scorpions and sea horses and centipedes and starfish and fat bugs! And they're on sticks!) (But to be fair, the photo is from a night market in Beijing; I am pretty sure those kind of foods were there for gross-out effect. But it was still awesome.) (P.S. The scorpions were still alive.) (I KNOW!)


The Things We Ate

I never knew I'd love it so much.


A Few Favorites

Figured since I got the postcard-y shots out of the way in the first post, I'd show you a few of the ones I liked even more. I've got a lot more to share, so stay tuned (but not to worry--I won't make you suffer through EVERY single picture...I'll let you know when the bulk of them are finally on my Flickr page). More to come!

Textbook China

Well, we have to start with the big dawgs, now don't we?

Great Wall (the slightly less tourist-y Mutianyu section) outside of Beijing / Portrait of Chairman Mao, Tienanmen Square, Beijing / The Forbidden City, Beijing / Temple of Heaven, Beijing / Shanghai / Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Xian / Chong Sheng Temple, near Dali, Yunnan province / Old Town, Lichang, Yunnan province / Three Pagodas of Chong Sheng Temple, near Dali, Yunnan province / Old Town, Lichang, Yunnan province / Yangtze River, Yunnan province
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