Entries in oonline shopping (1)


5 Shops to Bookmark Immediately

You want the good stuff? Get all up in these joints.

1. Decurate

Well SOMEBODY had to take the name "decurate," and I am glad these folks did. Lots of eco-minded picks plus a few items I've not spied before. Got my eye on this one.

2. Artilleriet

Clean, cool finds from a clean, cool Swedish shop (because you know I love the challenge of digging around a good site when I can't read the language. My motto: If it's too hard to decipher, just go nuts pinning it all on Pinterest).

3. YES

Yup. Over at Herman Miller, I recently did a home office tour (awesome) with artist Andew Neyer, a chap who is part of YES, an independent, artist-run gallery, shop, and studio in Cincinnatti. Among others, Andrew's bold, playful work (also awesome) is available for purchase.

4. Story North

Trust me. You'll like it. Dig a little bit and you'll find a few heavy hitters in there...

5. Toast

Just nice and clean-cut and quiet. Like drinking a warm cup of tea while nibbling on, well, toast. I mean, with butter, at least.


Image sources: decurate.com, storynorth.com, artilleriet.se, yescincinnati.com