Entries in Guest Post (13)
Artist You'll Love: Christoph Niemann
Wanted to start the week off with a bang by delivering another great guest post from my girl Leah. Thanks again, LB!
I love looking at unique and cool and pretty pictures and drawings as much as the next guy or gal, but combine it with humor and I will absolutely adore it. Christoph Neimann's work is that perfect combination.
You may have come across some of his work in the New York Times on his Abstract City blog. If you haven't, it is definitely one to check out. His artful way of seeing mundane things is hilarious, such as this image from his post on maps.
You can also find him in the bookstore. In addition to numerous children's books, he's done a few NYC-centric books such as "I Lego NY". First off, who doesn't love Legos!?? Add some funny and I'm hooked.
If you're a reader of magazines, you've likely seen his work more than once. In addition to numerous The New Yorker covers and inside illustrations, you can find him in Wired, Inc, and many others. You can even buy prints of your faves on his portfolio site. Check it out for more brilliantly witty pieces that are the perfect match-up of artistic talent and smarts.
Images linked to their sources

Artist You’ll Love: Dalton Ghetti
How much do you wish Leah had her own blog? Here's her latest guest post. She's been racking them up over the past two weeks, and I am SO appreciative! P.S. Hope you've enjoyed the past few weeks. Many thanks to everyone who pitched in...I'll be back starting September 20. See you soon! xo
This guy's work has been making the blog rounds lately, but every time I see it I still can't help but stop and stare. Think that's just a picture of some used-up stubby pencils? Think again and look a little closer. Those are little tiny letters sitting atop each pencil lead. Carved. From the pencil lead. All in one piece. ONE PIECE!Carpenter Dalton Ghetti has been carving things ever since he was a kid, finally settling on pencils about 25 years ago when he realized how smoothly a sharp blade could cut through the graphite. He uses only 3 tools: a razor blade, sewing needle and sculpting knife -- no magnifying glass! -- and most creations take several months, though some have taken a year or two.
There's a piece on him in the NYTimes from several years ago and more recently in the Telegraph where you can see more images of his incredible work.
Yes, that is Elvis.
A saw carved from the lead AND the wood of the pencil.
That key is actually separate from the link so it moves around. Crazy!
Not all his sculptures happen on the tips.
14 Must-Sees in San Francisco
My friend Jorge wrote the guest post for today, and he decided to take on one cool city--and no, it's not our beloved Brooklyn. He just returned from just-as-lovely San Francisco, and is reporting in with his recommendations for a stellar-fun time. He's got some great info below, so enjoy. And thanks for the post, Jorge! Suddenly I'm craving barbecue oysters...
1. Cross the Golden Gate bridge and enjoy beautiful views of San Francisco
2. Try the fresh local trout and a beautiful view at Fish restaurant
3. Visit the California Academy of Sciences
4. Tired of walking? Take a Segway tour of the city.
5. Zig-zag through the crookedest street in the world, Lombard Street
6. Take a stroll on the beach
7. Go for the chicken tamales with mole at El Molino Central
8. Enjoy panoramic views of Sonoma square from the Barracks
9. Taste a bowl of lentil bean soup al fresco at Sunflower Caffé in Sonoma
10. Stop by the little town of Bodega and see where Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" was shot
11. Watch wales and seals from Bodega Bay
12. Try the barbeque oysters at Nick's Cove
13. Take a brisk walk through Muir Woods
14. Spend the night and recharge at The Pelican Inn