Entries in craft (1)


Best of the Etsy / Remodelista / West Elm Pop-Up Shop

You know who's smart? Etsy's smart. And so is West Elm and Remodelista. They all partnered to hold a "We Heart Handmade Art" pop-up shop in the West Elm store on 62nd Street and Broadway on Thursday night (and they've had them in other places and at other times, too--most recently in Austin during SXSW).

The marketing brain in me digs this idea--I think it's a great collaboration. Plus, it's a great excuse for me to hang out in a cute shop with free food and wine. Everybody wins.

Here are some of my favorites:

Canvas bags by Sidney & Sons

General Brooklyn goodness from Claudia Pearson

Handcrafted tableware by Clamlab.com

Gold pieces (some with a horoscope-y twist) by Julie Nolan Jewelry

Papergoods by Enormous Champion

Jewelry by Knock Knock Studio

Papergoods by Crowbiz

Food! FIKA espresso bar!