Entries in Travel Finds (50)


And then there were the bikes.

(I bought a little wire bike from this guy on a sidewalk corner in the French Concession neighborhood of Shanghai. And if I interpreted our very-limited act of communication correctly, I believe he was actually trying to give me a "thumbs-up" sign.)

Bad English

I'll admit it--I feel somewhat guilty for posting these pictures, because I do know that it's poking fun a bit. And heaven knows that these attempts at communicating in English are far more superior than any effort I made at speaking Chinese. But come on, let's don't lie: "Grass is napping, please don't disturb"? Instant classic.

(These last two were just reminders that I was missing the finale of True Blood.)


All the Tea in China

Okay, not all. But here are at least a few shots of some of the cups I happily took whilst out and about in the Middle Kingdom.


Have a Sit Down

Annnnnnnnnd then I got obsessed with the chairs.

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