Escape from Brooklyn: Buck's County, PA
You know what makes my face melt in home-decor happiness? My friend Danny Seo's home in Buck's County, PA. He was kind enough to host my girl Sonal and me for a little visit over the long weekend, and I think I spent 50% of my time with my camera around my neck, exploring every nook and cranny of his magical, thoughtfully designed space (parts of which are featured in his new book Upcycling).
I sort of want to live in his brain. (And also his kitchen. And his workspace. And his living room.)
Great Design,
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Reader Comments (3)
Wow, what an amazing space. I live in Chester County, PA and have such an appreciation for the area...just gorgeous.
It's easy to imagine relaxing here whilest simultaneously feeling very cool.
You and me BOTH, sister. What a neato space. Next time you go perhaps you can let me fit in your suitcase...creepy much? Probably. It was worth a shot.