Loving: TV-show inspiration
It's getting colder out there, and you know what that means: 'tis the season to dust off the ole Netflix queue. Here are a few clever goodies inspired by some of the TV shows you should hunker down with for a DVD marathon (or two) as winter starts sneaking its way back in.
The Office (US & UK versions)
Stapler in jello blank card by SureAsBlue at etsy.com
Mad Men
Joan Holloway vintage pen necklace from beryls at etsy.com
Twin Peaks
The Log Lady print by seasprayblue at etsy.com
Doll head key chain (a la the Ice Truck Killer) by handmadebyjody at etsy.com
Battlestar Galactica
What the Frak notepad (complete with cut corners) by PigseyArt at etsy.com
Arrested Development
The Bluth Bunch print by elloh at etsy.com
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