I cannot. I couldn't even spell it again after today if I tried. I can, however, try to learn how to arrange them. That's why they're this week's installment of my
One-Bouquet-a-Week Challenge.
Rifling through the shelves above my refrigerator recently, I can upon this old milk bottle I have from a creamery in High Point, NC (score!). All week, I was determined to find the perfect flowers to go in it, and I think I did it with this bunch of ranunculus (R-A-N-U-N-C-U-L-U-S. Ranunculus). I love its delicate purple-ly pink detail and its slender stems. I also love the raised lettering on the bottle; I tried to capture it with my camera, but I definitely didn't do it justice.
Also in this batch, I just HAD to include a stunning orchid (we all think it's an orchid, but after hitting the flower stand this week, I am not so sure. Do you guys know?) that my always-generous co-worker Cynthia gave me this week (thank you, friend!). It's one of those flowers that stops people who walk by my office and makes them ask what it is and where she bought it (in Rockefeller Center, methinks).
It's a week full of flowers! Is there anything better?