Entries in dog (1)


Pining for a Canine: 6 Pet Portraits You'll Love

Lately, I've been contemplating getting a dog. Which is a very silly thing, because I do not have the space, or the time, or a close-enough-to-home commute, or even basic dog-owning skills to have one right now.

Also, I am finding that I may be wanting a dog for a reason that could be considered unhealthy: I totally want a portrait made of my not-yet-acquired canine. And as we all know, the possibility of acquiring a new piece of original art is no reason to purchase a pet. Blah blah blah.

So I am restraining. For now. Because, come on, what if I got THIS guy? Can't you just SEE the amazing addition that little bundle of cute would be to my art collection I mean my life?

Noisy Dog Studio portraits by Leigh Jackson

Commissioned portrait by Kate T. Williamson

Screenprinted Custom Pet Silhouette, $45, spottedflats at etsy.com

Custom portraits by Jane Oriel

Original hand-carved rubber stamp of your pet, $24, Kozue at etsy.com

Custom Pet Portrait in Watercolor, $150, abgraham at etsy.com


P.S. Thanks to BKLYN Contessa for introducing that puppy link to me. Gushing.

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