
My new BFFs: 2009 Chocolate Show picks

Settle down, chocolate. I am clearly into you. I mean--have you noticed the inordinate number of posts I've already dedicated to you in the short life span of this blog (see.what.I.mean)?

But yeah, I'll admit it: sometimes I play favorites. And I know that you know that I know that that's what happened this weekend at the New York Chocolate Show. So I'll come clean; here are my five new besties. Just try to contain your jealousy.

1) Mary & Matt Chocolate Editions.

Mary & Matt

The show's most-design-y, could-totally-gets-lots-of-press-for-its-cute/cleverness chocolate. THIS is the stuff I'd buy for the cool kids. It was created by a duo who were formerly at Kate Spade, so it has a fresh-face, clean-cute chicness to it (check the chocolate pie chart--could you die?). And it tastes good, too. Mary & Matt's chocolate website goes official in a couple of weeks; in the meantime, you can catch them here.

2) Berkshire Bark: Pretzalogical. On my planet, there is no combo more deliciously dangerous than pretzels and chocolate. And this bark has a sweet-salty-crunchiness that could seriously place people like me in harm's way. Beware.

3) 2 Chicks with Chocolate: Fire & Ice Cocoa Mix.

2 Chicks

Smart marketing: Create a great-tasting sipping chocolate, add vodka to it, pass it around the show, and feed it for free to people like me. This was the one product my three choco-cohorts and I all purchased (although, maybe it was just the alcohol).

4) Chocolove: New Peppermint in 55% Dark Chocolate. I've seen Chocolove (the one with the friendly "xoxo" logo) around my local organic food store for a while now, but this new peppermint bar is the flavor I, er, choco-loved the most. And P.S., Santa really needs to hook himself up with these guys--they're the perfect stocking stuffer for Christmas (or, perhaps...xoxomas?) (Alright, I'm stopping now.)

5) FIKA chokland.


Gorgeous truffles from an espresso bar based in NYC. I didn't get a taste, but got a lovely look that left me wanting more. Plus, they have a cool-ass name that sounds like someone either pronouncing the name of a product at IKEA or cursing in German. Hike on over to the Upper East Side (or here) to grab a bite for yourself, mein freund.


Tonight, spotted on my way west



Shoot.  If I could, I'd have those funky space-man chandeliers AND the giant water fountain in my living room.

Lincoln Center @ 6:50pm


To blame for my Overcrowded Kitchen: One Kings Lane


I'm a sucker for lots of things. Items monogrammed in my initials. Animals with human names like Jason or Chad. Anything (and I mean almost anything) that will help me rack up frequent-flier miles. And I'm especially sucker-prone to an outlet store or a sample sale--particularly if it has anything to do with brand-name home goods or kitchen items (be still my heart!). However, direct me to your sample sale online, and you will witness a woman sent well over the edge.

Such is the case for me and One Kings Lane.

Inspired, I can assume, by online sample sale sites like Gilt Group and HauteLook, One Kings Lane is a "private home decor sales" site that acts on your (okay, my) tendency to make impulse purchases when something seems a) scarce, b) desirable, and c) cute. Sales events are only 72 hours long, so you get that good old buy-it-or-it's gone adrenaline rush. Plus, it's nicely curated. For example, I recently bought this delish pink pie dish from Emile Henry.

(Please note that I bake pies about 0.5 times a year. But dang, the thing's gonna look real good when I bake that chocolate brownie pie in about 6.75 months, no?)

Sign up here. And be sure to mention my name when they ask for a referral (I'm sucker for that, too).


5 Things I’d Do for Hot Chocolate

Truth be told, hot chocolate and I are frenemies. Sometimes when I partake, it makes me feel unhealthy and guilty. And on those days, I'm like, "Hot chocolate totally knows what it's doing to me when we hang out, but it really could give a crap."

But other times, like today, I want it shower with love for all the warmth and cocoa-magic it often brings into my life. So in honor of our relationship, here's a list of the things I'd like do to make hot chocolate feel as happy as it makes me (well, today, at least).

1. Give it a makeover:


(Aztec Hot Chocolate, $19,

Jacques Torres

(Jacques Torres Hot Chocolate, $18,

2. Buy it a new outfit:

Hive Modern cup

(ego coffee cup & saucer, $38,

Maxwell Silver

(Coffee Cup & Saucer, $95,


3. Encourage it to accessorize:

(French Roast Coffee Cup Sweater, $15, CuffeShop at

(Cuff, $16, byrdandbelle at


4. Introduce it to my friends:

Whimsy & Spice

(Homemade Caramel Marshmallows, $6 per dozen, Photo by Jenna Park)


(King Leo Soft Peppermint Stick Candy - for stirring - $10.05,


5. Tickle fights:


Mini frother

(Mini Frother, $10,

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