What do you collect?
Despite this, I still sometimes manage to believe that I am not a collector--that I am not into accumulating "stuff" (especially since I live in like 20 square feet of space). But let's don't lie: I come from the same gene pool as those relatives who love Han Solo and Shirley Temple and moments that are precious. And although I like to think that I mostly collect "experiences," once I started putting together the below list, I now see that I am going to have to fess up and say it: I'm a collector, dammit. Here's the evidence.

2. The letter A. After doing a series on the letter A in my college photography class, I started up this collection. My first was bought about 12 years ago in San Antonio at a shop selling letters recovered from the side of a demolished government building. (I do believe I bought the "A" in "Antonio.") Since then, lots of people found out about my A accumulation, and have filled my home and my office with this lovely letter. That said, the collection is now "closed" (read: I've run out of room), but it's still a favorite.
3. Stamps. See this post.
4. The Modern Library's 100 Best Novels and Radcliffe's Rival 100 Best Novels List. It's the English major in me. I am DETERMINED to finish up all these works before the end of my days. So far, I have only managed to make it through 18 of the Modern Library List, and 23 of the Radcliffe list, but I kind of like that--it gives me a goal to work toward. [Note that I don't always keep these books; I've been swapping them at swaptree.com, which I highly recommend. I've saved tons of money--and space.]

5. AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies list. Unlike the book lists, I've managed to make a real dent in this one, with 67 of the 100 already viewed. (Thank God for Netflix.)
6. Ticket stubs. From anything--plays, museum visits, ballgames, comedy shows, events (except movies--don't ask me why, especially given #5 above). I stole the idea of keeping and displaying them all in old blue mason jars from my aunt (thanks, Kay).

7. Shells, rocks, and various dead sea creatures from beaches I've visited. A fun hobby when you're out strolling on the sand, and an easy (and affordable) souvenir. I also keep these guys in blue mason jars.
8. Boyfriends. This has actually been an unintentionally large one; the list just seems to grow longer the older I get. For the record, I would have been fine with just two or three in this collection. And I must say that, if I had the option, I would probably choose to also store said b-friends in one of my blue mason jars. With the lid screwed on tight. Real tight.
9. Lists. Clearly.
10. Your comments. So what do you collect?
Reader Comments (15)
Keeping ticket stubs in a jar is brilliant. Too bad Playbills don't also fit in a jar!
Oh my goodness, this is now my favorite post! How sweet! The boyfriend collection cracked me up! I rarely LOL reading something online...
See you when I get back from Mexico! Don't worry; I am not going to Ciudad Juarez.
I love this post!!!!!!! Good idea with the blue jars. I like the rock/shell collection. I tend to grab rocks from places I visit but never know what to do with them. Now I do! And yes, I have a boyfriend collection as well. Aren't we lucky to have met so many men. Not sure if this is a sarcastic remark or not!!!
I collect Playbills from shows I've been to too. I'm also a sucker for lists. Great collections.
I collect vintage copper lady liberty statues, pretty buttons, antique china cups, vases, snuff boxes, and snowglobes! Yes I certainly do.
I knew it!!!!! You are one of us!!!!!!!! That collector gene is just too hard to fight!!!! Loved it!!!!
Journals, greeting cards, postcards, beautiful vessels (vases, bowls, pitchers, etc. from countries i've visited)...and then of course jewelry. it's a functional collection, but i thoughtfully collect it. no boyfriends, but stories of boyfriends. oh, and scarves.
I'll read it both ways--sarcastic and sincere. It's always a mixed bag anyway, no?
Great collections! You're the first person I've ever known to collect snuff boxes...
I don't collect anything now, but when I was little I collected little pewter animals, pins (buttons), and coins. I think the love of coins is what eventually lead me to my career in finance ;)
What don't I collect?? I have an affinity for cows, or anything cow print. There are lots of little cows all over our home!
Crosses, the more gothic the better! Maps, sea shells, Coca-Cola paraphenalia, tea pots and sets and oh, magazines, magazines galore.
Lauren--that reminds me, I also collect maps! Dang. Add that to the list.
How cute with the cows! (:
Love this post! I collected a lot of things when I was little, from stickers to erasers. I still collect my tickets stubs as well from events and I have a growing snoopy/peanuts collection.
I dig this post! Mostly because I, too, do not consider myself a collector, but then I thought about it.....
1) Jewelry inspired by Shakespeare, usually lockets or pendants with a quote from one of his plays.
2) Clones and My Guys from corporatepig.com.
3) One piece of jewelry from every new city or country I visit.
[...] and while organizing my office the other day, I came across several letter As (as you may recall, I collect them). I don’t have these particular letters out because, as a whole, they’re all just too [...]