Broken Brooklyn

If you know a New Yorker, send him or her some sunshine--STAT. We have been held hostage by big, ugly, steady rain for the past three days (the kind that's accompanied by giant gusts of wind and thunder so loud it sounds like the the sky is exploding.)
(I mean, that's pretty awesome and all, but still...uch.)
It's been sucky with a capital S--and there's more a-comin'. At least it makes for interesting photos. Can't you just imagine the anger with which some of these broken umbrellas were thrust into garbage cans and flung on the ground?
Poor, wet Brooklynites. A moment of silence, please.
(And that includes you, too, big giant thunder.)
Reader Comments (2)
Hahahaha! Broken umbrellas are such a NY phenomenon, cuz we walk everywhere! And we buy only $5 umbrellas...cuz we lose them all the time.
George's Mom--did you see the damage done to Prospect Park? Yowzah. What a storm: