Entries in Travel Finds (50)


Around the Bend

Despite its proximity to where I've lived for 12 years, I've not spent much time in Connecticut. In turn, every concept I have about the state has basically been informed by the TV show "Who's the Boss?" Apparently, every house is large, colonial-esque, and has gray, white, and black trimming. There are nannies who have fled Brooklyn in order to give their children better lives and preppier clothes. Those nannies occasionally box, tap dance, and/or clean window curtains with a vaccuum cleaner. There are powerful advertising executives and saucy grandmothers. Crappy blue vans and items that have unintentionally rusted look out of place. Bowl haircuts are encouraged and appreciated. Somehow, it is always autumn.

Recently, I also fled my home in Brooklyn for a visit -- albeit brief -- to my neighboring state. And want to know the scary truth? That trip totally confirmed most, if not all, of the above. Here's the proof.

[Insert "Who's the boss NOW?"/T. Danza/"So do you think my next visit to Atlanta will be just like 'The Walking Dead'?" joke here.]


Forgotten Photos: Minneapolis

I recently stumbled across a few photos that I took on a trip to Minneapolis last summer with my friends Sonal and Danny. I don't know why I didn't post them at the time, and I also don't know why I didn't take more pictures in that very-cool city. I do think, though, that it's very characteristic that I only seemed to snap shots of two things: a museum and an ice cream shop.

Food and art. Do we really need anything more?



Seoul: Parting Shots

Just a few final pics of my trip to South Korea. (Gotta plan the next jaunt now. Any suggestions?)


Seoul's Mind-Blowing Dongdaemun Market

So, I'm going to be straight up: my photos of Seoul's legendary Dongdaemun Market simply don't do it justice. Not even close. The winding, if-you-want-it-here-it-is-come-and-get-it marketplace is a GIGANTIC place--much of it indoors, even--and I often felt a bit overwhelmed and a little claustrophobic, which kept my camera turned off a majority of the time.

However, I'm pretty sure that, even if I snapped every square inch of that neck of the woods, you still wouldn't get the total picture. Ooooh, the cool smells, the new tastes, the chance to try and buy almost anything you can imagine. Photo heaven! (You know, almost.)

All I'm saying is, next time you're in Seoul, be sure to go.